The Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women!

There is a famous saying “Let Your Hair do The Talking”. Most women would agree since they take great pride in their hair and consider it their crowning glory. A good hair day makes them feel like they can rule the world and a bad hair day equals a bad day. A deep personal relationship exists between a woman’s hair and her self-esteem. It is natural to lose some hair everyday. Losing 100 hairs per day is normal and this means that your body is growing and healthy strands are replacing old ones. But if your ponytail or plait is getting thinner and you are seeing more of your scalp, then this could be a cause for worry. There are many different reasons for hair loss in women, caused by health and hormonal changes. Here are some of the most likely things that could be causing them. Childbirth Women undergo a lot of changes during childbirth. During pregnancy, a lot of women go through a rapid growth phase, where everything goes grow, grow and grow. During this time the Estrogen Hormone is on the increase. After delivery, the Estrogen levels go back to normal and all the accumulated hair during the last 9 months starts to shed. This is the main cause of hair loss in women after childbirth. The shedding can be mild or Intense. Changes in Birth Control Pills One of the common causes of hair loss is going off the pill or shifting to a different type of hormonal contraception. The female body reacts to the changes caused by starting birth control, discontinuing it, changing brands or moving to a different type of birth control method. Protein Deficiency In order to create new hair cells and cuticles, it is very important to eat lots of proteins. If you do not eat enough of this food group, your body will not have enough hair to replace the old ones, when the shedding process happens. Sudden weight reduction can also cause protein deficiency and eventually lead to hair loss. Medications Certain medications are causes for hair loss in women. For example, treatments for blood pressure, antidepressants, and HIV. It is always good to talk to your doctor if you notice chronic shedding, a few months after starting on a new course of medicines.Dandruff or Scalp Psoriasis Dandruff is the most easily treated cause of hair loss in women. When the skin on the scalp gets inflamed and itchy, hair loss tends to happen more than usual. See a Dermatologist for this problem. Find a shampoo and a conditioner that addresses this problem. Once the scalp becomes healthy, hair will begin to grow back normally. It is also important to keep the scalp clean always.  Oil and wash your hair at least thrice a week with a shampoo and a conditioner that suits you. Intense Emotional or Physical Stress Extreme hair loss in women is experienced during intense emotional or physical stress. Taking care of home and a full-time job can be quite exhaustive. When you go through a life-changing or a life-altering event, like a death in the family, a divorce, a job loss or a significant job change, there may be a temporary halt in hair growth. What happens is, your body puts all its resources towards helping you cope with these changes. When things get back to normal, all the hair that has been halted gets pushed out at the same time. This short-term stoppage of hair growth can also be triggered by trauma, like a big operation coming up, being hospitalised or losing a significant amount of weight very quickly. Autoimmune Diseases Autoimmune diseases make the body treat its own hair follicles as foreign and attack them, thus resulting in hair fall. These could be Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroid and Sickle-cell Anemia. Lupus could cause scarring of the hair follicles, resulting in permanent hair loss. Hairstyles Wearing tight braids and tight ponytails could cause Traction Alopecia. This means that the hairline gets progressively thin. During this process, the hair follicles get damaged beyond repair. Hair loss could actually become permanent. It is advised not to wear a particular hairstyle for too long. Also, do not pull the hair too tightly into a ponytail or a bun. Heat Treatments When washing hair, it is advisable not to use hot water. This could damage the hair follicles and cells and make them weak, resulting in eventual hair loss. Hence, it is advisable to use warm water only. Over-bleaching and using hot tools like a hair dryer could also cause hair damage and loss. Dry your hair naturally. Over-processing Hair The harsh chemicals in perms, straightening and relaxing procedures can damage hair follicles and cause permanent hair loss. Many hair loss conditions are treatable. Seek help from a good dermatologist for the right kind of treatment for your hair loss.