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FUT Hair Transplant
Papillon Hair World’s (PHW) FUT Hair Transplant is a surgical method in which individual Hair Follicles are moved from one part of the scalp to the bald/thin area on the scalp. This procedure is mainly suited for clients having early stage baldness or who wish to cover a relatively smaller area of hair thinning.
We, at Papillon Hair World (PHW) have tied up with some of the top most plastic surgeons / dermatologists to give you an unmatched and best Hair Transplant Results.There are plenty of myths and misunderstandings about the Hair Transplant Procedures and Suitability.
Many unskilled and under qualified centers have claims such as ‘Cheapest Hair Transplant in Pune‘ OR ‘100% Money back guarantee’ etc! However, beware of this false marketing! Before making any decision, one should carefully evaluate and understand the entire Hair Transplant Procedure, Cost of Hair Transplant, Alternative Hair Transplant Procedures (FUE vs FUT Hair Transplant as well as the side effects of Hair Transplant if any. Please watch the video by our founder, Dr. Vinay Koparkar below and also go through the commonly asked questions later (FAQs).
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Frequently Asked Questions
The FUT hair transplant procedure is a method of hair transplantation from your donor area onto the bald area. The donor area is so called, because even in the advanced stage of Male pattern baldness, the hairs do not lose from sides of head and back of the head. Because these hairs are naturally being protected from the action of DHT hormone. As we all know, the DHT [Dihydroxy testosteron] is the main culprit to affect the baldness in human beings. Protection against this hormone, make the hairs on the donor area to survive from getting bald. Hence the hairs transplanted in the front or any other area on the scalp in FUT, behave as a protected hairs same as a hairs on donor area. And hence, they also remain forever unless and until your back hairs are there. All hairs do undergo the process of aging. They also become grey eventually too but remain lifelong.
FUT Hair transplant procedure is done under a local anesthesia. Unless and until the anesthesia is given to you the procedure cannot be called as painless. Just to make sure the whole procedure should be painless you have to bear pain for giving a local anesthesia. This may include 5 or 6 local cutaneous injections on the scalp. 1st injection of anesthesia is quite painful, subsequent shots are not that painful. During a procedure if you start feeling any pains, doctors give you additional anesthesia too so that the whole procedure should be run in a smooth and painless way. There is usually a protocol of antibiotics, painkillers and other medications for a week’s time following a procedure. Pain post hair transplant procedure depends on your pain threshold. If you can bear a good amount of pain easily then it is a painless procedure for you. If you have a very low pain threshold you can experience considerable pain post procedure. Surgeons do advise proper medications as per your pain threshold, so not to worry about it.
After the hair transplant procedure, it is recommended not to wash the head at least for a week. The surgeon calls the patient on the 8th day for removal of the clots. After that it is safe to wash the head. Hence, on the 8th to 10th day onward, you can start washing your head. You can wash the donor area from the 3rd or 4th day of the procedure if you want. The bandage is there on the back area for 24 to 48 hours. Once that is taken off, you can wash the area with lukewarm water with gentle rubbing with finger tips only, just to make sure that you must not hurt the area with your nails.
FUT is known as Follicular Unit Transplantation. It is one of the methods of Hair transplantation procedures, other being a FUE, i.e. Follicular Unit Extraction. The FUT procedure is done under a local anaesthesia. In FUT, the strip of scalp, from the back of the head is cut. The back of the head from where the hair follicles are taken for the transplantation is called the donor area. The hair follicles are removed from the strip and transplanted onto the bald area. The gap produced due to the cut at the back, is stitched and filled properly. The skin stripped used to cut in FUT is around 1 to 1.5 centimeter [0.5 inches] only. It gives more visibility for surgeons during a procedure. The strip becomes the donor once cut. The best advantage of FUT is, in a very small area, huge amounts of grafts can be transplanted. The strip of around 1 cm will give more than 4,000 to 6,000 hair grafts. All the grafts from the strip are taken for the transplantation. Follicles then are transplanted in the frontal or verex area. The density given by the FUT is better as we have large hair follicles available for hair transplantation. The strip is sacrificed in the end, as there is no role left. The FUT is an old metod over FUE. Though it is effective in the advanced stage of baldness when the larger area is required to cover. Though it took less time, more operative procedure and bleeding happened in it.
Some of the Advantages of FUT over FUE are :-
- Better option if you need more area to be transplanted.
- Shorter operation duration
- Cost Effective.
- Better density.
Some of the Limitations of FUT over FUE :-
- Scar formation on the donor area, due to deep cut.
- Painful as compared to FUE
- Tender feeling on the scalp, post surgery due to stitches on the donor area.
- Longer Recovery time.
- Bumps, swelling, pains post procedure.
The FUE method is known as follicular unit extraction. In this method the hair follicles are removed entirely and transplanted onto the bald areas, one by one simultaneously. It is also known as the punch method of hair transplant. It is a minimal invasive technique. There is no strip cut on the donor area. Hence there is no scar formation.
Same as FUT FAQ’s ans no 06. Copy pasted for the reference with necessary changes.
The FUE hair transplant procedure is a method of hair transplantation from your donor area onto the bald area. The donor area is so called, because even in the advanced stage of Male pattern baldness, the hairs do not lose from sides of head and back of the head. Because these hairs are naturally being protected from the action of DHT hormone. As we all know, the DHT [Dihydroxy testosteron] is the main culprit to affect the baldness in human beings. Protection against this hormone, make the hairs on the donor area to survive from getting bald. Hence the hairs transplanted in the front or any other area on the scalp in FUT, behave as a protected hairs same as a hairs on donor area. And hence, they also remain forever unless and until your back hairs are there. All hairs do undergo the process of aging. They also become grey eventually too but remain lifelong.
The cost of the FUE hair transplant procedure depends upon a lot of things. It depends on the area of baldness, nature of donor area, numbers of hair follicles to be transplanted, density to be achieved, number of sittings required in the entire process, the quality of surgeon and expertise he is putting in it, pre procedure investigation, post procedure follow up and treatment and therapies [PRP or Mesotherapy if any] recommended, taxes, OT [Operation Theater] charges, paramedical staff and nursing charges etc.
The cost usually varies from Rs.25,000/- to Rs.1,50,000/- depending on the case to case requirement.
The question is usually common once you have done the hair transplant. In FUE the hair follicles are taken from the donor area. The donor area is so called, because even in the advanced stage of Male pattern baldness, the hairs do not lose from sides of head and back of the head, as they are naturally protected from baldness causing hormone. Hence transplanted hairs remain for a lifetime, as long as it is taken from the specific donor area.
Once the hair transplant is done, the new hair growth starts from 3rd months onwards. Full hair growth is completed in around 10-12 months.
After the hair transplant procedure, the transplanted hair may fall off within a month though. It is known as shock hair loss. It is a common phenomenon in all hair transplant procedures i.e. FUE as well as FUT.
Transplanted hairs also undergo aging. It also becomes grey. But the hair on the back of the head i.e. on the donor area never becomes thin. Hence the transplanted hair too remains as long as the back hairs do.
Hair transplant is a procedure in which the hairs are taken from your back and side of the head. These hairs have genetic protection against baldness naturally. Even if the person advances to last stage of baldness, these hairs always remain. As a result, when these particular hairs are taken for hair transplant, the transplanted hairs also remain the life-long. So we can definitely say that such hair transplants are permanent. These hairs do go through the natural growth cycle, that means even they fall when they complete their life cycle, but don’t worry the root still remains intact inside, which means, they will grow again after fall. If the hairs are mistakenly taken from some other areas of the head in a purpose to cover lager bald area, then it will not give surely of life-long life, which may also occur in inexperienced surgeries if done unprofessionally. The same may be seen in body hair transplant when the donor area is weak and transplant requires much more hair than what you require. In such cases the hair transplant may not be permanent.
Many people have a fear of injury to brain or head if they opt a hair transplant surgery. Many do misbelieve that hair transplant surgery is like playing with life. If hair transplant surgery is carried with all safety standards, it is absolutely safe.
Standard safety norms include pre surgery blood tests, standard OT set up with an experienced team of doctors and surgeons who do the actual procedure of Hair Transplant.
There is an old proverb – No pain, no gain. Which stands partially true in case of FUE hair transplant too. The FUE hair transplant procedure is minimally invasive. There are no cuts and no stitches. Though the procedure is done under a local anesthesia, the pain will be there till the time the anesthesia is in effect. After that, there would be no pains till the entire procedure. If a patient feels any pains during a procedure, the doctors may give extended anesthesia too. There is usually a protocol of antibiotics, painkillers and other medications for a week’s time following a procedure. Pain post hair transplant procedure depends on your pain threshold. If you can bear a good amount of pain easily, then it is a painless procedure for you. If you have a very low pain threshold you can experience considerable pain post procedure. According to your ability to bear pains, doctors advised the medications following the surgery.
Hair transplant is carried on local anesthesia. That means only the scalp is anesthetized. The rest whole body does not have any impact of surgery. The pain is only till the time we give you the local anesthesia on the scalp. Pain is similar to a single injection till that can affect the anesthesia. Once that is done there would be no pain at all throughout the procedure for 7 to 8 hours. Pain threshold is different in everyone. It is the pain barring capacity of a person. If you pain threshold is high that you would feel less pain, and if your pain threshold is low that means you may expect to feel a greater pain for the first 5 to 7 minutes only. So it must be noted that we have to accept the 5 to 7 minutes of pain, for NO pain till the hair transplant is over.
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure carried out broadly in 2 ways.
- FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction [advanced, latest method]
- FUT – Follicular Unit Transplantation [old method]
The FUE [follicular unit extraction] is an advanced method. It is carried with extractor and implanter pens. These are specialized pens to create the frontal hair line or smaller areas for natural look. It is simply a punch method we can say. As the punch of 0.7 to 0.9mm will drill the area and will carry a hair root. Then the same root is implanted in the bald area. Simultaneously, around 2000 hair roots are usually carried out in a single session which is sufficient to cover around 20-30 square centimetre area.
FUT was an older method. In this method, a strip from scalp is cut and rest of the area is sutured. The strip is the area which can give you hair roots. So from strip the hair roots are transplanted.
Sometimes surgeons may use the combination of both methods to give more number of hair roots.
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Our Services
Hair Restoration Solutions:
We provide Hair Fall Control, Dandruff Control, Grey Hair Control and a lot of other Hair Care and preventive Hair treatments. Our treatments are a combination of modern medicine and our own FDA approved hair products, thus giving unique and unparalleled results to our patients.
Papillon Hair World’s (PHW) Hair Transplant is a surgical method in which individual Hair Follicles are moved from one part of the body to bald/balding patch on the scalp. This procedure is mainly suited for clients having early stage baldness or who wish to cover a relatively smaller area of hair thinning.
This procedure at Papillon Hair World (PHW) is meant for Male and Female clients suffering from partial baldness due to genetic reasons or due to any other problems. Papillon Hair Replacement Systems are customized for thinning size, density, color, texture and choice of style to give the most undetectable look.
Papillon Hair World (PHW) provides 100% Human Hair, Medical grade ladies wigs for Alopecia or Chemotherapy patients suffering from total baldness. We customize the wigs for head size, color, texture, length and style so that it looks extremely natural.
Cost of FUT
The cost of FUT is comparatively lesser than FUE. FUT aimed to transplant around 2500-3000 hair grafts will cost approximately Rs…………./- including all the pre operative procedures, post operative care, OT charges and taxes.
Precautions Post FUT Hair Transplant
There are some lifestyle restrictions post transplant. You should not be doing heavy exercise, gyming, or swimming for a month’s time. Unless all the injuries are healed, precautions must be taken to avoid profuse sweating. Once all the injuries on the donor and transplant area healed, you are advised to exercise, swimming or gymming etc.